Thursday, 15 March 2018

Milk Prices

Dairy farmers have taken a massive hit for the past decade, dairy prices have plummeted. Farmers are getting paid next to nothing for the white goods they produce. Farming is a high cost business, it costs thousands to keep sheds well-kept and to keep calves healthy with quality cake (cow food). Farmers pay an arm and a leg to buy the highest quality cake and technology in order to allow their cattle to have the best quality of life. So when supermarkets dropped the price where farmers could never pass their break-even point, what is a farmer to do? They cant go on strike and not turn up to work, their cattle will die. They cant not sell the milk or they cant afford to feed their cattle. They cant buy worse cake and just never clean the sheds to save on straw costs, as that opens up so many avenues of problems from disease’s, to bad cattle , which no farmer would ever allow. Still to this day farmers are paid pennies for their milk. Supermarkets and producers see all the money. If farmers fail in providing a healthy lifestyle for their cattle, if they die, the farmer has to PAY to get it properly disposed of, it is in every interest of the farmer to keep their cattle alive and happy.

(Sayid, 2015)

“There are other supermarkets, however, that actually pay less for milk than it costs to produce. The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers insists that all supermarkets could pay dairy farmers a price for milk that would meet the cost of production without increasing the price charged to the consumer: all they would need to do is to accept a slightly lower profit on the milk they sell.” Quote from the telegraph.(link below)

One of the reasons milk prices went down is due to the vegan lifestyle which taken into trend, buying soya and almond milk which has nowhere near the health benefits as whole milk or even skimmed milk! A 2008 Harvard study showed that higher intakes of soy-based drink and foods caused fertility problems and lower sperm counts- so why are people filling themselves with something that will only damage their health when there’s fabulous cow’s milk which not only has so much testing that it will not cause harm, only benefit to bones, teeth, protein and overall health?

No form of other milk gives you any of the necessary goodness as whole cow’s milk does, so many milks, mostly almond, have to have artificial powder inserted in order for it to give you any health benefits.

I highly recommend the article below as a good read for those who are not in farming it’s easy to believe marketing masters but for anyone that knows their stuff knows that whole milk holds all the important nutrient’s and is so important for the health in so many aspects.


Image- Sayid, R. (2015). How the falling price of milk could wipe ICE-CREAM off the supermarket shelves. [online] mirror. Available at:

1 comment:

  1. You really need to link your sources.

    The Harvard study you mention doesn't support your conclusion that soy "causes fertility problems" all of the men in that study were attending an infertility clinic. While sperm counts were overall lower, soy intake was "unrelated to sperm motility, sperm morphology or ejaculate volume."

    Could you provide a bit more clarity on this statement:
    "No form of other milk gives you any of the necessary goodness as whole cow’s milk does".
    What "goodness" are you talking about? How much of the "goodness" in cow milk is supplemented in feed?


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