Thursday, 21 October 2021

What is actually better for the environment- limited trade.


This week has been jam packed of news for farmers.

Cop 26, a global meeting to tackle climate change is taking place in the next coming days.

The government have agreed a trade deal with NZ that threats the lamb market in the U.K. which we pride ourselves on by being high quality, high welfare and sustainable.

We use land, unable to farm for arable or build on, with sheep.

Eating from locally sourced is better for the environment by severely lowering the carbon footprint of food.

If you are at the seaside and order seafood at the restaurant who bought it from the local fishmonger, THAT IS LOW CARBON FOOTPRINT.

Buying avocado from Mexico or Kenya….. c’mon, do I need to spell out everything?

So, this deal is threatening farmers livelihoods and Britain's ability to be self-sufficient. WHICH IS BEST for the environment and our producers!

If you go to Italy, France, Romania, they have a huge respect for farmers and are huge advocates for quality food.

I was in Italy 2 weeks ago, eating squid sourced from the harbour, and when I was in the hills, I was eating veal, no seafood in sight. This type of eating, where the resource is grown/bred is normalised in their cultures. They appreciate the quality of seeing it in the field/sea to on their plate, knowing it is delicious and of high quality.

That has been completely lost in Britain, consumers obsessed with wanting any fruit or veg at any time of day, for the cheapest cost. But have an opinion on farming standards in the U.K. when they buy foreign foods which has caused more than triple greenhouse gases than it would to produce here and cause an increase in deforestation.

Why can I go into Tesco to buy Prawns from Vietnam when Scotland literally has this at our seashores with leading welfare standards AND TASTY.

This is not the farmers fault; this is government decisions and what is the deciding factor? MONEY.

Consumers should demand that they are eating only food that would be legal to produce here.

The government are also in discussions about a "meat tax" to discourage consumers from eating meat for "sustainable reasons". WHAT!?

When Britain are one of the leading countries for sustainable livestock farming, which only contributes to 5% of the greenhouse gases in the U.K. (EU is 9%) and with our aim of being net zero by 2040.

Back our British farmers and the quality, ethical and SUSTAINABLE produce they provide for our nation #BackBritishfarming

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